Are you tasked with creating or revamping your organization’s Request for Proposal (RFP) process for an upcoming IT asset disposal (ITAD) project? You’re in the right place! Cascade has developed a user-friendly, fill-in-the-blank Microsoft Word template you can customize to your program’s needs. This RFP template or “RFP Toolkit” saves a lot of time and can be instrumental in matching your organization with the right ITAD partner.
As an ITAD provider, Cascade receives dozens of RFPs each year. As we participate in the process, we’ve noticed a common challenge: many organizations don’t know what to ask when evaluating IT asset retirement services. To address this, we started compiling our RFP responses in a database to identify common criteria and best practices. Using these insights and our industry knowledge, we created an RFP Toolkit.
The RFP Toolkit is not your standard proposal request document. While it includes the typical elements, it also offers specific points tailored to the ITAD sector, enabling a comprehensive supplier evaluation process. Considering the complexity of an RFP involving multiple stakeholders within the organization, beginning the process with this customizable template is an invaluable timesaver.
Cascade’s Toolkit includes a sample RFP template that follows a standard structure, outlining the project’s scope and terms, detailing organizational requirements, and providing embedded forms for responders to complete. All of the documents were created in Microsoft Word, making them accessible and easy to customize.
Simplify and enhance your ITAD supplier evaluation with Cascade’s RFP Toolkit – your comprehensive solution for a streamlined, efficient, and informed decision-making process. To learn more about Cascade’s RFP toolkit, check out the e-Scrap News article, “An FYI about RFPs.”